Chairman of TKCNF
- Chairman
Takashi Sakamoto
Vice Chairmen of TKCNF
TKCNF is engaged in various activities in close mutual collaboration with 20 TKC Local Associations nationwide, which share common goals with TKCNF. The Vice Chairmen of TKCNF are responsible for the operations of TKCNF, forming the Board of Directors' Meeting that consists of 11 committees, the Training and Education Committee, and other organizations and Directors of TKCNF.
Vice Chairmen of TKCNF
- Vice Chairman
Kenji Matsumoto
- Vice Chairman
Keiichiro Kato
- Vice Chairman
Mutsuhiko Tsuyuguchi
- Vice Chairman
Hiroyuki Tanaka
Chairmen of TKC Local Associations (Vice Chairmen of TKCNF)
TKC Hokkaido Local Association
- Region
- Hokkaido
- Chairman
- Takahisa Honma
TKC Tohoku Local Association
- Region
- Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Miyagi, Yamagata, and Fukushima prefectures
- Chairman
- Takao Ikawa
TKC Kanto-Shinetsu Local Association
- Region
- Niigata, Nagano, Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Saitama prefectures
- Chairman
- Nobuhiro Harada
TKC Higashi Tokyo Local Association
- Region
- Koto, Sumida, Taito, Bunkyo, Adachi, Katsushika, and Edogawa wards
- Chairman
- Naoki Tachikawa
TKC Tokyo Toshin Local Association
- Region
- Shinjuku, Shibuya, Nakano, Meguro, Setagaya, and Suginami wards
- Chairman
- Shinji Suzuki
TKC Tokyo Chuo Local Association
- Region
- Chuo, Minato, Chiyoda, Shinagawa, and Ota wards, and Izu and Ogasawara islands
- Chairman
- Hiroshi Sugekawa
TKC Johoku Tokyo Local Association
- Region
- Toshima, Itabashi, Nerima, Kita, and Arakawa wards
- Chairman
- Masaki Honma
TKC Nishi Tokyo-Yamanashi Local Association
- Region
- Tama district of Tokyo, and Yamanashi prefecture
- Chairman
- Tetsushi Okano
TKC Chiba Local Association
- Region
- Chiba prefecture
- Chairman
- Takehito Kato
TKC Kanagawa Local Association
- Region
- Kanagawa prefecture
- Chairman
- Hirooki Kirisawa
TKC Shizuoka Local Association
- Region
- Shizuoka prefecture
- Chairman
- Masahiro Nonaka
TKC Chubu Local Association
- Region
- Gifu, Aichi, and Mie prefectures
- Chairman
- Kiyoshi Murase
TKC Hokuriku Local Association
- Region
- Toyama, Ishikawa, and Fukui prefectures
- Chairman
- Toshiaki Fujii
TKC Kinki Osaka Local Association
- Region
- Northern Osaka
- Chairman
- Hiroshi Nogaki
TKC Minami kinki Local Association
- Region
- Southern Osaka, Nara and Wakayama prefectures
- Chairman
- Masayuki Tanaka
TKC Kinki keiji Local Association
- Region
- Kyoto and Shiga prefectures
- Chairman
- Masayuki Sato
TKC Kinki Hyogo Local Association
- Region
- Hyogo prefecture
- Chairman
- Yusuke Kobayashi
TKC Chugoku Local Association
- Region
- Tottori, Okayama, Shimane, Hiroshima, and Yamaguchi prefectures
- Chairman
- Tomonori Abe
TKC Shikoku Local Association
- Region
- Kagawa, Tokushima, Ehime, and Kochi prefectures
- Chairman
- Youichi Watanabe
TKC Kyushu Local Association
- Region
- Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Oita, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, and Okinawa prefectures
- Chairman
- Nobutaka Kuroiwa
Total number of members: 11,400 (as of December 31, 2024)
Committees, Research Councils, and other Organizations of TKCNF
In an aim to achieve the business objectives set forth in Article 2 of its Bylaws , TKCNF has 11 committees (including the special committee), the Training and Education Committee, six research Councils, the TKC National Politics and Economics Council, and other organizations. TKC also has set up projects for fulfilling its social missions as an expert for accounting and taxation, in response to changes in the management environment and legislation surrounding SMEs.
General Affairs Committee
Matters relating to (1) proposals and improvements of Bylaws and other rules and regulations, (2) qualifications of members, (3) legal defense for services by certified public tax accountants, and (4) public relations.
- Committee Chairman
- Go Nishimura
System Development Committee
Matters including (1) the research, development, and dissemination of systems contributing to the defense of the professional position and revitalization of the prospects of TKC member firms in preparation for the future, and (2) the survey, research, and dissemination of know-how relating to the management advisory services that contribute to the healthy development of SMEs.
- Committee Chairman
- Hironobu Iwasaki
Training and Education Committee
Matters relating to (1) development and proposals of training plans, development of each year's important themes, and conducting the central training, (2) encouraging the participation in the life-long seminars, etc. and (3) enhancement and dissemination of the training system contributing to the development of Field Auditors.
- Committee Chairman
- Hisao Hattori
Life Insurance Promotion Committee
(1) Matters relating to the guidance for appropriate life insurance, (2)matters relating to the support for the promotion of life insurance contracts, and (3) communication and coordination with contracted life insurers.
- Committee Chairman
- Yukou Kanari
Risk Management Promotion Committee
Matters relating to (1) the guidance for appropriate property insurance, (2) the support for the promotion of property insurance contracts, (3) communication and coordination with contracted property insurers, and (4) research and awareness activities for comprehensive risk management.
- Committee Chairman
- Tsukasa Nakajima
Field Auditing Promotion Committee
Matters relating to (1) support for conducting field auditing, (2) management improvements and rationalization of member firms, and (3) awareness and promotion of the inclusion and establishment of the Certificate of Bookkeeping Timeliness.
- Committee Chairman
- Futoshi Yoshino
Support Document Submission Promotion Committee
Matters relating to (1) promotion of the attachment of tax audit report pursuant to Article 33-2 of the Certified Public Tax Accountant Act, and (2) promotion of the system for accounting advisors.
- Committee Chairman
- Hidefumi Hamada
New Members Service Committee
Matters relating to (1) support for new member firms (within approximately three years of joining TKCNF), and (2) support for increasing member firms and provision of information to them.
- Committee Chairman
- Nobuhiko Koga
SME Support Committee
(1) Matters relating to management support for SMEs, and (2) strengthening relationships with financial institutions and organizations for supporting SMEs.
- Committee Chairman
- Kentaro Matsuzaki
Mutual Aid Systems Promotion Committee
Matters relating to (1) dissemination and promotion of the three mutual aid systems, (2) dissemination and promotion of TKK operations, and (3) provision of financial information that contributes to management improvements of the clients of this Research Committee members.
- Committee Chairman
- Yasutaka ishikawa
Strategic Planning Committee
Plan and discuss the strategies, objectives, and their promotions for TKCNF, as commissioned by the Executive Committee.
- Committee Chairman
- Keiichiro Kato
BTMU Tomeihan Special Management Improvement Committee
Support to the companies which have obtained financial loans from The MUFG Bank, Ltd., in formulating plans to improve their management.
- Committee Chairman
- Kenji Matsumoto
TKC Financial Council
Professionally study the fields of asset tax and property succession, and provide support for appropriate taxation management such as inheritance, donation, estate arrangement, testamentary trust, etc.
- Committee Chairman
- Kiyoshi Imanaka
TKC Medical Management Research Council
Professionally study accounting, taxation, and management for social welfare corporations, and support the development of social welfare services.
- Committee Chairman
- Sadao Maruyama
Social Welfare Corporation Research Council
Professionally study accounting, taxation, and management for social welfare corporations, and support the development of social welfare services.
- Committee Chairman
- Shigeyuki Yoshida
Public Interest Corporation Research Council
Professionally study the taxation and accounting systems of public interest corporations, and support the operation and development of new public interest corporations.
- Committee Chairman
- Ryuichi Ikemizu
Medium- and Large-sized Companies Support Council
(1) Survey and research on systems, accounting, and taxation for medium and large sized companies, (2) developing and offering support tools and planning seminars for medium and large-sized companies, and (3) planning and conducting seminars for the members of this Research Committee.
- Committee Chairman
- Shigenori Kimura
Overseas Business Support Council
(1) Planning and conducting seminars for this Research Committee in support of client’s overseas expansion, (2) developing and offering support tools for overseas expansion, and (3) conducting seminars for companies expanding overseas.
- Committee Chairman
- Kenji Matsumoto
TKC National Politics and Economics Council
Promotion of political activities for protecting the business domains of professional accountants and improving the soundness of the legal norms concerning the vocational and tax systems, with the aim of completing the social mission of professional accountants under a free economic society system.
- Committee Chairman
- Takashi Sakamoto