Company Motto and Management Principle

Company Motto

"Jiri Rita"
("self-interest is in the realization of others' interest")


Management Principle

Contribution to our Customers

For the prosperity of our customers, we will
  1. seek conditions for the business of our customers,
  2. develop systems to strengthen these conditions, and
  3. offer our utmost support for their implementation.
Our joy is to contribute to our customers.
Masaharu Iizuka

Chairman EmeritusMasaharu Iizuka

The TKC Group has the basic principle of "Jiri Rita" ("self-interest is in the realization of others' interest").
"Self-interest is in the realization of others' interest" means that your true interest lies in your efforts to bring about the interest of others.
These words have a long history of being the basic principle, dating back to 1971 when the TKC National Federation was established, following the incorporation of the TKC Corporation in 1966.
The TKC National Federation is an entity organized by certified public tax accountants and certified public accountants nationwide, who are the customers of TKC. Dr. Takeshi Iizuka, its founder, made these words the basic principle of the entity.
As time goes by, the words have been embraced by all officers and employees of the TKC Corporation as the code of conduct and decision-making.

The second issue of Katsumoku (Look with Keen Interest) issued
by the Iizuka Takeshi Scholarship Foundation (2002)

Management Principle and Basic Policy for Management

Aiming to Win "Gratitude", "Trust", and "Respect" from our Customers

The company motto of TKC is "Jiri Rita" ("self-interest is in the realization of others' interest"), and the management principle of "Contribution to our Customers" is the specific guideline for our activities.

Contribution to our Customers
For the prosperity of our customers, we will
  1. seek conditions for the business of our customers,
  2. develop systems to strengthen these conditions, and
  3. offer our utmost support for their implementation.
Our joy is to contribute to our customers.

Contribution to our Customers, our management principle, means to explore every possibility for the success of our customers' businesses, to be passionate about making it happen, and to take actions with persistence. We believe this is the only way to win gratitude, trust, and respect from our customers in our effort to achieve our business objectives of "defending the business area of public accountants" and "improving administrative efficiency of local governments."
Based on this recognition, TKC expresses the meaning of "self-interest is in the realization of others' interest" as "our joy is to contribute to our customers", and stipulates the following Basic Policy for Management to have our employees implement the principle in their specific tasks.

Basic Policy for Management
  1. Strive for the ultimate goal of unsurpassed marketing activities
  2. Strive for the ultimate goal of unsurpassed innovations
  3. Practice balanced scorecard management

This Basic Policy for Management was derived from the management principle, and at TKC all employees holds one of these three items as his or her own mission. Our management have the mission to strive for the ultimate goal of unsurpassed marketing activities, and our systems development departments strive for the ultimate goal of unsurpassed innovations. The sales departments have their mission to practice balanced scorecard management in which they carry out support activities for the growth and prosperity of all customers.
"Strive for the ultimate goal of unsurpassed marketing activities" means, among other things, (1) striving to provide services beyond customers' expectations through thinking hard about what we should do from their perspective, making thorough preparations and taking actions; and (2) understanding the essence of the customers' missions in society, capturing every opportunity to expand the area of business where they can actively engage themselves, and taking the lead in supporting them so that local communities highly appreciate their existence.
To "strive for the ultimate goal of unsurpassed innovations" means, among others, to (1) promptly capture any signs of "opportunity" for contributing to customers in light of the business objectives of TKC, through collecting information about changes in laws and social systems in Japan, and by following excellent examples practiced by other companies; (2) develop our internal structures that maximize our strengths on the basis of the principle of selection and focus; and (3) with the recognition that "customers are our partners for the development of products and services", be seriously concerned about customers' proposals, questions and complaints, and analyze them in a systematic manner to help develop our ideas about new products and services.
And, further, to "practice balanced scorecard management" means to understand through the strategy map TKC's corporate vision and the path that leads to its achievement, to have a deep understanding of the strategic position and expected roles of each department, and to practice the PDCA management cycle through clarifying "product strategy" and "market strategy" from the customer's perspective.

It is our desire to empower accounting firms and their clients for their success in business and prosperous professional lives both mentally and economically. We also wish to contribute to the development of local communities by supporting local governments to enhance administrative efficiency and promote the welfare of residents even further. Keeping in line with the Management Principle and Basic Policy for Management, we are committed to exploring the ideal state of our products and services from the perspective of our customers and making our utmost efforts in developing, offering, and implementing the systems that achieve our customers’ success.

Company Motto